The poll for the song to put on the site was inconclusive because there were about a dozen or so different songs that you voted for and all of them had about the same amount of votes and not only that but most of the songs were the same songs that I played on my last three tours so most of those songs are already out there for anyone to hear.
So what I decided to do was a compilation of many different songs from many different time periods from as early as the 1970's up until the 2000's. A lot of these songs have never been heard by anybody except me or maybe a few other people. Some of them were just long extended jams that I just took pieces out of and put them up. If there are songs that you hear that you like and you want the song just email me and I’ll consider sending them out.
Most of the songs were recorded on tape, either live or in my home studio, and then transferred to a computer so the sound quality has faded due to the length of time and age of the tape. When I finished it I realized that the entire compilation was almost 38 minutes long so you can listen to it all or in pieces.